What To Expect This Spring After The Quarantine

Author: Christine Gazzola | | Categories: Buying a Home , Property Listing , Real Estate Market Updates , Selling a Home


Currently, the world is sitting in neutral as we all wait for the Coronavirus to leave. By going into lockdown or quarantine, we have found ourselves in very unusual and scary times. Everything feels uncertain at the moment, and not knowing how long this pandemic will last is extremely unsettling.

Though we are upset and uneasy, we need to stop and give the front liners time to get ahead of this virus. We must stay home at this time to take care of ourselves, our families, friends, and neighbors. Moreover, instead of feeling frustrated, we need to use this time to reflect on what’s really important and what drives us to be better people. Right now, we need to focus on ourselves and purge our homes, our closets, and our minds of all that’s unnecessary. A shift is coming our way, and when it arrives, we need to be ready for it. To prepare, we must fill our minds and hearts with goodness to rebuild our world.

We as a community, country, and people must focus on coming out of this better and stronger. After the quarantine, we will all see the world in a different light and will put the stuff and fluff aside for happy, healthy family and friends. Getting back to our handshakes and hugs will remind us all how lucky we all are to live in such an incredible country, and just how much human connection is worth.

We will see our spring market blossom, and we will recover and be stronger than ever if we all start anew with positivity. We will all get back to work, back to business, and I’m predicting we will be hotter than we could have ever imagined because we’ll have new motivation.

I also predict that interest rates will be low, lenders will want to work with us all, our global funds will bounce back, there will be a lot of inventory, and we will have a balanced market of buyers and sellers.

The real estate market too will be strong and steady, just as it has been year over year, decade over decade. A healthy real estate market will give back consumers their confidence. We all may be a little skittish about a big trip coming fresh out of the gates, but I predict families will be looking for that perfect home for their “Staycation” not too long after the COVID-19 situation is under control. Upsizing, downsizing, trading the bigger cities for a little grass, a community, neighborhood, home to celebrate family, and friends is what we all crave right now, and it’s something we will start working towards this spring.

I expect buyers and sellers to all benefit from a robust real estate market, and this blossoming spring market will stimulate all aspects of the economy. As we all reset, I know we will prioritize and appreciate the wonderful towns, communities, and country we live in and look forward to upgrading towards greener, bigger environments that give us freedom and bring us happiness.

As a professional real estate agent serving the Niagara Region and the surrounding areas, I have assisted several clients over the years, and what I’ve learned is that people always find a way to bounce back. Just like we have done in the past, we will all get through this too.

With more time to think beyond buying and selling properties, I’ve had the opportunity to appreciate everything that I have. While I am grateful, I would like to give a shoutout to all of my clients who are simply the best. I appreciate every one of you, and I hope that you use this time to reflect on positive things in your life, your family, and your friendships.

I wish you all health and love. Please stay safe, be indoors, and take care of yourselves.

For more information about real estate and how you should prepare for the future, feel free to reach out to me by clicking here. You can also learn about renowned real estate agent Christine Gazzolavisit my website here

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Christine Gazzola -   Real Estate Agent Niagara Falls