How Christine Gazzola Helped A Client With Home Sale Issue
As a real estate professional, I come across a variety of scenarios under which a house is sold or purchased. With years of experience and the right connections, I have been able to successfully navigate through even the most trying cases.
In our line of work, we need to be able to think on our feet, call on our experience, and be able to dig into our armory of contacts that will help us close out deals that seem complicated. With more than a decade of experience and building relationships with my clients as well as professionals in my field, I have been able to help several clients close deals that threw a curve ball at them.
Keep reading to learn about how I helped a client who had a last minute hiccup with a sale of their home.
The Challenge: A client sold their home, but was left in the lurch by a last minute financial issue faced by the buyer.
I recently had a wonderful client that had entrusted me to sell their home and help them with the purchase of a new home. We had listed their home and within a couple of weeks, we had a ‘Sold’ sign up on their lawn. We then proceeded to search for their dream home, which we found on a nice piece of property.
The deals were struck and the only thing left to do was…. start packing!
However, during the week leading up to the closing, I received a gut-wrenching call from the purchaser’s agent telling me that we need extensions on the closing because of a hiccup with his buyer’s financing.
This posed a huge problem for my clients, the family, the family home where we are going and also the family that is moving into my client’s home.
The Solution: Threw everything at it, but were forced to re-list and sell my client’s home all over again.
I immediately called both sets of clients and went over our game plan, as it was looking as though we weren't going to close. My next call was to our mortgage broker to see if she could pull some miracles out of her hat. To help complete the deal, I worked closely with the first agent, as well the agent representing our purchase, along with three lawyers and three mortgage brokers.
This was definitely a test for all of our emotions and patience. For the sake of my clients I do everything possible to try and close every deal I enter.
The timelines were tight, moving trucks have been booked, homes have been emptied, and emotions were at an ultimate high. I've been lucky to work with some wonderful professional agents and colleagues including real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and terrific lawyers.
It truly took a small village to try and work through this crazy mess. We worked on this case for over two weeks, all day long and over the weekends as well, but to no avail. Despite our best efforts, we were forced to re-list and sell my client’s home all over again. It took two more weeks but with the help of our mortgage broker, we were able to pull it all together and finally move my clients into their dream home. While the end result wasn't perfect, we strived to and ultimately found the best option for the client, given the circumstances.
The Bottom Line
As a professional real estate agent, I, Christine Gazzola believe that buying or selling a home is a big step and a big process in a person’s life. It’s a step that is often very stressful and confusing. Often there are unforeseen complications that arise that could possibly derail your plans of selling or buying a home. With years of experience, I am able to put all the pieces of the jigsaw together so that the buying or selling process is stress-free for you. To get started, get in touch with me by clicking here. To learn more about why you should choose me, please click here.